26 Aug

Oracle on Blockchain is a keyword that signifies the bridge between decentralized networks and real-world data, vital for smart contracts' functionality and reliability. As blockchain technology evolves, Oracle's role grows increasingly pivotal.

So what is Oracle? We invite you to learn more details through our article below.

What is a Oracle?

Oracle is a mechanism that provides data from the outside world to smart contracts. Oracle plays an important role as an intermediary between blockchain and the outside world, allowing blockchain applications to use real-world information such as prices, weather, sports results and many other types of data. other than just data available on the blockchain (on-chain data).

Role of Oracle in Blockchain

Oracle plays a crucial role in the blockchain ecosystem, providing numerous benefits to blockchain-based applications. Some key roles of Oracle include:

Providing real-world data to the blockchain

Oracle enables smart contracts on the blockchain to access data from the real world, such as commodity prices, election results, patient information in healthcare systems, weather, etc. This enhances the utility of blockchain applications across various sectors.

Ensuring integrity and reliability

One of the greatest benefits of blockchain is its high integrity and reliability. Oracle plays a significant role in ensuring the integrity and reliability of data on the blockchain. By connecting blockchain to trustworthy data sources, Oracle helps ensure that the information entered into the blockchain is accurate and tamper-proof.

Supporting financial computations

For financial applications on the blockchain, Oracle plays a crucial role in supporting accurate financial computations. For instance, when a smart contract is deployed to execute automated payment transactions, accurate information about the value of assets being transferred is needed. Oracle acts as a reliable third party to provide asset value information and ensures accuracy in the computation process.

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Classification of Oracles on blockchain

There are several classifications for Oracles on blockchain, depending on their characteristics and roles within the blockchain ecosystem. Here are some common classifications:

Centralized Oracle

Centralized Oracles are intermediary systems operating under traditional models. They are controlled by a single organization or individual and have complete control over supplying information to the blockchain. This can pose risks to data security and integrity due to dependency on a single entity.

Decentralized Oracle

Decentralized Oracles are intermediary systems operating based on community consensus. Information is provided by multiple independent parties, and access to information is validated through community consensus. This enhances transparency and reliability of data on the blockchain.

Trusted Oracle

Trusted Oracles are intermediary systems built on distributed technology platforms, but still have a single party managing and providing information to the blockchain. The combination of decentralization and trust helps mitigate risks related to security and integrity of information.

Data Source Oracle

Data Source Oracles are intermediary systems that provide information from various data sources, such as APIs from websites or systems. This reduces reliance on a single source and increases the diversity of data on the blockchain.

Top 3 prominent Oracle projects on blockchain


Chainlink is a platform providing oracle services on Ethereum. It allows smart contracts to connect easily and securely with any external data source outside of the blockchain. Chainlink has become one of the most popular oracle projects in the market and is widely used in DeFi applications, insurance, market prediction, and more.

Band Protocol

Band Protocol is a decentralized oracle platform that enables dApps to connect with external data sources effortlessly. Band Protocol utilizes a Proof of Authority model to verify data accuracy and ensure security for users.


Tellor is a decentralized oracle project on Ethereum where users can request and provide real-world data to the blockchain. Tellor uses a network of users to verify and deliver data in a transparent and fair manner.

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The future of Oracle on Blockchain

Oracle plays a crucial role in connecting blockchain with the real world and expanding the application capabilities of blockchain technology. In the future, there is expected to be significant development of oracle projects, focusing on improving security, transparency, and performance.Oracle projects will continue to grow and expand into new fields such as IoT, logistics, supply chain, etc. 

Additionally, integrating new technologies like AI and machine learning into oracles will enhance predictive capabilities and data processing.However, to realize the full potential of oracle on blockchain, challenges related to reliability, latency, and costs need to be addressed. Projects must find appropriate solutions to ensure safety and efficiency in using oracle on blockchain.


Above is basic information about Oracle on Blockchain. If you are interested in AZcoin - a reputable cryptocurrency knowledge information aggregator, discover more about how Oracle plays an important role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of blockchain transactions.

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